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Jmeter Performance Testing


Jmeter Performance Testing is a non-functional testing technique in the software testing process that verifies the speed, response time, stability, reliability, scalability, and resource usage of a web application, and APIs under various measures like user count, time, etc.

Why Performance Testing?

Let’s see the purpose of Performance Testing for any type of software – web/mobile or services is to meet the service levels expectation on production and confirm that the end-user should access all the web features without any hassles.

When to perform Performance Testing?

We can start early by analyzing the network, load balancer, application, database, and web servers, hardware configuration, etc. the costs for correcting a performance problem escalate as the development process moves forward like for other Quality verifications at early stages in SDLC lifecycles. In general, we can consider starting performance testing as soon as several web pages are working, the first test can be executed. However, performance testing must be an integral part of the regular testing routine each day for each build of the software.

As mentioned in our previous blog on Automation ROI Performance testing also involves cost for executions and reporting, once the test plan (performance test architecture) scripts are set up.

In short, development costs are incurred once and execution can go on every sprint cycle as soon the build releases for manual & automation testing.

Top performance testing tools –

  1. Apache JMeter™ application is open-source software
  2. WebLOAD
  3. LoadNinja
  4. LoadView
  5. StresStimulus
  6. SmartMeter.io
  7. Rational Performance Tester
  8. Silk Performer
  9. Gatling

Most features are common however depending on your requirement tools selection can be done, as some of them are licensed, supporting protocol, etc.

Introduction to JMeter

The Apache JMeter application is open-source software, a 100% pure Java application designed to perform load/stability, etc. testing to test functional & non-functional behavior and measure performance. It was originally designed for testing web applications but has been expanded to other test functions for API, record, playback etc.

Why JMeter?

JMeter is vast with a variety of options to manage test plans. JMeter offers a comprehensive and user-friendly GUI. JMeter also provides support to use Selenium-created files to perform load testing on it.

  • Open source and various plugins can be downloaded from the plugin manager
  • Supports all types of Performance Testing (Load Testing, Stress Testing, etc.)
  • Supports Web UI and API Services
  • Read Test Data from Excel File

Benefits of JMeter –

  • JMeter is an easy-to-use tool that does not need extensive knowledge of programming. JMeter has a user-friendly UI and one can also use CLI.
  • The tool provides integration with Jenkins and reporting
  • JMeter offers easy installation on any operating system
  • It offers key features like the Thread Group. It helps to see whether software performance is good.
  • Test IDE allows test recording from browsers or native applications
  • JMeter allows API testing, database testing, and MQ testing with ease

Best practices to utilize Apache JMeter Performance Testing

  1. Framework – JMeter itself is a “framework” that provides test elements to build requests via different protocols/transports, applying assertions, bean shell scripting, parallel generating reports, etc.
  2. Data-Driven – The scripts are executed not just for single test data but are validated with multiple sets of data using data driven approach.
  3. Assertions – In scripts, assertions play a vital role, and using these with various assertions options like a response, status, etc. The requests must be validated and executed from end to end to verify if partially failed.
  4. Controllers – There are many controllers in JMeter Recording, critical etc.
  5. Reports – Generating Dashboard Report by using APDEX (Application Performance Index)

Performance Testing Jmeter


JMeter is one of the best tools that offer a great user experience. However, it requires technical expertise but once you get familiar you will surely be in love with JMeter. There are a lot of possibilities to explore and perform about this tool.

Beyond Key utilizes software testing best practices while performing test data creation, development of scripts, executions of scripts, test summary reports, and analysis on response and latencies also covers detailed documents on executions.

We streamline the development of scripts and 1st execution of the scripts for our clients to be further executed by them as and when needed.

To know more about our capabilities and best practices around JMeter, Performance Testing, pls. get in touch with one of our experts here.

Learn more about our software testing and QA services, here.