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Learn More about the Benefits of Dynamics 365 for Sales


The text below is taken from a webinar Beyond Key held on Dynamics 365 for Sales.

Let’s talk about the reasons you want to use Dynamics 365 Sales

1. the tool increases conversion rates.

If you are trying to work on your conversions and sales in your business, you need to make sure conversions are number 1. The tool makes you smarter because you are making better decisions.

2. you identify the best time to connect with prospects.

We will discuss this more with you in one of our use cases.

3. you can determine what matters most to your prospects.

Understanding what matters most to your prospects is the basis of all sales. If you understand the WIIFM, what is in it for me, you can understand how to help your prospects.

4. spend more time selling.

If you are spending more time selling, you can get more leads and conversions as well. Because you are using a tool like this, it helps you stay on top of your work.

5. give sales managers a better way to help their team.

We talk about the fact with 365 sales, it is not just for one person, but it also works great for teams. A sales manager can work with their team, understand what they are working on, and look at their activity to improve their sales. They can be more of a guide when they understand what they are working on.

6. flexible CRM solutions.

One of the great things about Dynamics 365 for Sales is that it has a lot of customizations. We are not going to be able to talk about all of the customizations, but we will do our cover as many as we can. It is essential that if you need it to customize for your specific business, you can.

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed the snippet from our Dynamics 365 Sales webinar. If you want to hear more about Dynamics 365 from a real Microsoft expert, watch the full webinar here.
