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It’s About One Conversational Bot…for All Industry Verticals


With the power of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning skills, conversational interfaces (chatbots) have not only became revolutionary but also have brought a substantial improvement in many business processes for various industry domains.

Our FAQ chatbot is one such awesome voice bot which can help you with streamlining several of your day-to-day problems. Let’s check out some of its common use cases you’re sure to love.

Chatbots in Banking:

Banks have been early adopters of the newest technology that has seen widespread commercial success. A report by Juniper Research claims that for every query that a chatbot handles, banks save four minutes of an agent’s time translating per query. By 2022, this will amount to billions in yearly savings. Chatbots in the banking industry are helpful for information gathering internally amongst employees in different branches, as well as with a huge consumer base.

Chatbots are helping banks enhance customer satisfaction by answering a host of their queries within seconds. Bots answer common questions regarding account balance, utility payments, balance transfer, ATM locations, and more in a seamless and time-bound manner. With predictive analytics, the bots pick up the customer’s intent and answer accordingly. Also, some banks have developed bots that help customers block their cards instantly in case of theft or misuse. They ask certain question related to the card and an OTP is sent to the registered mobile number. Once fed, the card gets blocked instantly. With uninterrupted support 24/7, chatbots are creating meaningful customer relationships.

Chatbots in e-commerce:

Behind the scenes of every popular online shopping website is a complex network of activities such as customer service, payments, promotions, tech support, logistics, market research, and more. Chatbots have started to become the one and only solution to all these complex problems of online retailers and marketplaces. Customers have numerous questions about shipping and delivery, both before and after making their purchases.

Building chatbots for e-commerce websites allows online stores to provide their potential and existing customers with information and updates on shipping and delivery. Generic and frequently asked questions on shipping can be fed into the chat script, and instant answers given out to the customers who ask them. In addition to this, the online chatbots can extract real-time tracking information on any order and update existing customers on the status of their shipment, answer basic queries and complaints, and upsell and cross-sell products. They can also easily deal with issues like cart abandonment with regular follow ups.

Chatbots in Healthcare:

 These days, chatbots are being used by leading health systems to facilitate a fully conversational discovery of their services and enable seamless time scheduling for their patients. Chatbots also help by presenting a quick way of checking a patient’s existing coverage, filing claims, and tracking the status of their claims. There are Medicine Reminders chatbots that can be easily programmed to remind patients to take medication. For pathology labs, chatbots let users instantly check the status of their pending reports, find nearby centers, show test information and prices, and enable faster query resolution by guiding the user through every step.

Chatbots in Education:

Learning Through Chatbots provides a personalized learning environment to the students by analyzing their responses and how they go through the learning content. The bot may repeatedly assess the level of understanding of the student and present the next part of the lecture accordingly. Instant messaging system of chatbots also makes it easy for the students to find information about the admission processes, assignments, due dates or any other important events. The bots are used to answer the students’ queries about the course module, lesson plans, assignments, and deadlines. They can monitor the learning progress of the students. They can provide a personalized feedback to the students. They can analyze the students learning needs and recommend the learning content to them accordingly.

Chatbots for Travel:

Chatbots can be a game changer for the travel industry as they are beneficial to both travelers and companies; chatbots help both parties to simplify the travel agreements. Travel chatbots are also enhancing the customer travel experience by guiding customers through every aspect related to travel. Not only can they be used to book flights, but you can also find hotels, get general travel advice, book a rental car, and more. If you have a set budget, you can ask the messenger chatbot to recommend options within a certain price range. It can also update you with real-time changes such as delay in flights, check-in details, and more.

Travelers also expect customer support services irrespective of their time zone, especially during international travels. Chatbots provide 24/7 customer service support to users to fulfill their needs and provide an improved level of customer service.

Chatbot for Customer Support:

Gone are the days when customers would file a complaint or question and wait until a human agent replied back. With the advent of chatbots, customer support has mandatorily become a need of “being present 24/7”. These AI conversational bots are trained to understand human language and respond accordingly. Corporations are training them with pre-qualified questions and answers such as invoice management, order tracking, and account management. These are simple and repetitive tasks that do not require the added value that humans bring. By prequalifying requests, managing simple questions, and routing customers to the right services, bots also allow support agents to focus on more complex tasks, thereby improving efficiency and simplifying processes.

Live chat apps offer a cheaper alternative to help you cut down on team numbers and offer excellent service to customers by tracking customer contact histories and providing people with immediate, non-urgent support.

Chatbot for Sales:

Chatbots are trained these days with the ability to take instant real-time online orders and even help your customers with the product they are looking for.

You also don’t need to worry about these chatbots giving cold and impersonal responses. Studies show that 45 percent of consumers don’t care who they are talking to, as long as they are getting information that is correct, effective, and handled quickly.

The quick response times that automated messengers offer can also be valuable during regular business hours. If a salesperson has inquiries from multiple clients at a time, they aren’t able to provide immediate responses to all of them. Chatbots, on the other hand, can.  The bot could remind the individual it’s time for a subscription renewal or send them marketing or informational materials. Based on the person’s purchase history, the bot can also suggest other items that might interest them. They can help you turn leads into customers more efficiently and provide you with data you can use to inform your marketing and sales efforts.

And that’s not all!

Apart from this, chatbots can help sort time-consuming internal communications in a company that would typically be handled by HR. Bots can streamline the entire process of communication, leaving no room for mistakes. Chatbots can schedule appointments, respond to frequent employee queries in a blink, and even entertain them!

Need help?

With so many capabilities, you may think that implementing a chatbot is an expensive project. But think again! Chatbots can be very cost effective if you hire the best talent. Researchers say that investment on chatbot technology is highly value-driven. And the icing on the cake? You don’t have to have knowledge about coding or any programming language!

Want to know how you can build your FAQ bot for free? Click here right now- [email protected]


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