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“Voice assistants such as Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant have become very common in everyday life. From sharing the news or information about the weather to playing a song or your favorite podcast, voice search has opened up a new avenue: voice-assisted commerce or conversational commerce. Now that voice assistants are performing nearly perfectly, it’s time to make it your shopping assistant.”

What Does It Mean?

Voice-assisted commerce means that now you can do all of your shopping, ordering, and booking tasks just by using your voice.

For example, the next time you want to have a coffee, you can just ask Alexa and she’ll do the rest for you.

Conversational commerce is one step ahead. It is the use of instant messaging and chatbots to connect with users.

Why Do You Need to Know About It?

By 2020, half of the search queries will be done by voice, and thus online shopping portals need to step up their game. More and more retailers are integrating it into their channels, and soon enough it will be a seamless part of everyday life.

According to researchers, more than 50% of young people (people under 30 years) prefer to conduct search queries and tasks by voice, so combining voice and e-commerce gives any portal a competitive edge.

How Does It Work?

It works via any voice assistant devices, say Alexa. Alexa is taught ‘skills’ with the help of AI how to reduce the need of a user into physical outcomes. This helps it not just read out the results, but also be able to act on it.

Let’s take you through a hypothetical conversation between you and your voice assistant.

You: Alexa, can you order a coffee for me from Starbucks?

Alexa: Sure. What kind?

You: An espresso with two sugars.

Alexa: Okay. There are two Starbucks locations on the way. One is five minutes away and the other one is 15 minutes. At which location would you like to place an order?

You: The one that’s 15 minutes away.

Alexa: Okay. Is there anything else you want me to order for you, perhaps some breakfast?

You: Sure. A croissant would be good.

Alexa: Okay. I’ll place an order when you’re five minutes away.

You: Also, pay for it when you place the order.

Alexa: Okay. Payment will be completed using your amazon pay account.

See how easy that was?  Since most simple tasks can already be done by voice, many e-commerce search queries will now also be performed the same way. If you want pizza, you can customize it just using your voice. It isn’t a one-way process anymore, where the user goes through the cumbersome process of typing in a search box and scrolling through endless results.

How Does It Benefit Retailers?

This is beneficial not only for consumers by increasing their convenience, but also for retailers and sellers.

It makes consumer product discovery easier, which affects consumer experience related to the seller. Users will now be more aware of the choices offered, which increases the likelihood they’ll try new ones.

Retailers and sellers can capitalize on that and improve personalization, opening up another potential revenue stream. It will also help them connect to customers better and increase brand loyalty. Customers can get recommendations based on their previous choices.

One of the advantages an offline retailer has is in-person interactions with customers., which allows them to analyze the customer’s needs in real time. Such issues can be resolved using AI, where it can give the user’s results based on their location, weather, or any other information that can potentially affect the results. Your voice assistant will play the role of your store employee, who guides customers to the right aisles.

What All Can Be Done by The Integration of Voice and E-commerce?

  1. Question about a product online: Want to buy a car? Get details about all of the options available.
  2. Place an order for almost anything: From everyday foods to electronics, place orders using only your voice.
  3. Track your order and its status: No need to go through your emails just to find the status of your order.
  4. Get personalized recommendations: Want to buy a shirt? Get recommendations based on your previous purchases or searches.
  5. Get trusted reviews: AI can filter out the vast majority of fake reviews. This way, you get to choose the best product for you.

How Can AI Help in E-commerce?

  1. Target potential customers: Based on their interests, AI can show consumers recommendations that will also help retailers increase their sales and revenue.
  2. Personalized recommendations: Since a voice assistant is already familiar with its owner and their preferences, it can filter products accordingly.
  3. Chatbots: Retailers can now communicate with customers easily through chatbots that don’t require extra manpower.
  4. Filter fake reviews: Fake reviews published by competitors and bots have become an issue for online retailers and e-commerce shops. To combat this, many e-commerce businesses use Artificial Intelligence to put more emphasis on verified reviews.

This is just the beginning! Voice commerce has a lot more it can accomplish.

Voice commerce or conversational commerce make shopping even more fun! Isn’t it amazing what technology can achieve with something as simple as voice?

Hire a Voice Skill Developer at Beyond Key Now!

Voice-based skills development can do wonders for your business, whether it’s in banking, retail, or any other sector. At Beyond Key, we have been developing voice-based skills for more than two years, and have a team of developers who are experts in developing and delivering new generation solutions with voice-enabled services.

Are you searching for a voice-enabled skill developer for your business? Your search can end here! Reach out to us at [email protected] today!
