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9 Amazing Trends in Voice Chatbot to Watch in 2019


The pace at which people have started accepting chatbots in their day-to-day life compels us to look to the future of this cutting-edge technology. Artificial Intelligence, NLP, machine learning and voice chatbots: all of them have given a serious boost to chatbots and made them smarter day by day. We are already comparing the way chatbots are now made responsive just like any human being, but does that mean we’ll soon see Chatbots replace humans? Well, the answer will always be ‘no.’ Humans have created chatbots and the technology which makes them work, and that will always be like that.

Chatbots have seen their increased acceptability in almost all industry verticals. More and more consumers are raising inclination towards the use of chatbots. The developmental trends of 2019 suggest that chatbots will be prepared to easily offer services which were previously only performed by human beings.

Let’s understand the 9 most probable trends for the development of chatbots in 2019.

1. Chatbots bringing revolution in technology and reach

Besides hand held devices and mobile phones, Chatbots have marked their presence on almost all social media channels and are now integrated with voice-based assistants like Alexa and Google Home. Enterprises are finding them an efficient and cost-effective way to give customer support around the clock. With advancement in technology like Machine Learning, chatbot training has become so automated and easy that they are becoming smarter. Artificial intelligence has given capability to chatbots to think somewhat like humans and NLP has made them understand human tone so well!

2. Voice chatbots making a big show

No one wants to type or read long messy sentences for a simple answer. Voice is the simple answer to this problem. Voice chatbots have been devised so customers don’t need to type in their questions or read out long sentences searching for their specific questions. Our Beyond Key Voice chatbot has also been developed with the same ability of talking. You can simply feed in your questions as an audio input and get an answer as audio output. Check out our voice chatbot features here.

3. Voice Chatbot more responsive as human beings

With the advancement of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in today’s world, chatbot services are becoming more human-like and impeccable. Machine Learning skills have empowered bots with smooth training processes. Training of dumb chatbots has become so easy that companies do not mind investing in training bots rather than people! At least, they don’t resign after so much hard work!

On top of this, NLP has given a new edge to these robots. They can now listen to your voice commands in any accent and try to understand what you are talking about. If they find a suitable answer, they speak out or else abort the process or move you to a human agent for further conversation.

4. Machine learning utilized to next level

Ever wonder how Google and Facebook are always ready with ideas that interest you? With the integration of Machine Learning, chatbots are also built to understand your likings, needs, and requirements. Complete human-like conversation might not be in the cards soon, but with the integration of Machine Learning to build neural conversational agents, Voice Chatbots will be able to do more than just set alarms and make calls.

As the chatbots learn and act, companies can look forward to greater customer satisfaction and improved interaction. With chatbots adapting to the customer’s mood, revenues are bound to increase.

5. Flawless user experience due to NLP

Natural Language Programming (NLP) aids in providing a human experience and making chatbots interactive. They are empowered to easily understand questions with multiple utterances or the same question put forth in different ways.

Q: What is your age?

Q: How old are you?

The answer to both these questions is the same, but NLP helps the chatbot to understand the intent of the user and reply accordingly.

6. Bots for every industry vertical

Chatbots have been used in every industry and business for serving various purposes. Be it the banking industry to retail and consumer goods or education, healthcare, travel and tourism industry to big corporations trying to streamline their complex business process, Chatbots have found their space in virtually every industry domain and process.

Banks have enabled their customers to interact with chatbots to clarify banking queries. They can access and ask for account balances, bank statements, to transfer funds, create a deposit, saving and investment advice, and so on. People could use bots as personal fashion advisors for clothing recommendations, or ask trading tips from a finance bot, suggest places to visit from a travel bot, and so forth. Chatbots can sell your products for you because they’re online 24/7. Some chatbots are simply meant to quickly answer customers’ questions like FAQs.

At BeyondKey, we have also developed a FAQ Chatbot which can help you with quick responses in no time and help you save hours of customer support with lots of bucks as well.

7. Voice Bots replacing apps

This is particularly a thing of future. Virtual assistants are becoming more and more common. Just ask people whether they prefer to speak to Google or Siri to find or open something or going to the app and finding the information by texting. The answer with be speaking to Voice assistants or chatbots!

While the idea might seem a little farfetched right now, apps may start to become a thing of the past. This change almost certainly wouldn’t be a sudden one that everyone would have to adhere to at once, but the time is coming. For some people, apps have already phased out as chatbots become more reliable. So while the future of apps is uncertain, for Voice chatbots, it’s something to talk about loudly.

8. Chatbots present on every social media platform

Enterprises have understood one thing very well that now consumer demands have changed. They want you to be there where and when consumers are living with questions.

Social media presence makes you versatile, so our Chatbots are present on every social media platform available. Our chatbot developers have given the integration ability of chatbots with your fav social media sites, like websites, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Teams, Slack, Viber, Line, Telegram, Kik, Mobile SDK, and many more coming soon.


9. Chatbots giving new edge to customer support and answering simple questions

Chatbots are extremely helpful when customers are looking to solve simple tasks like changing passwords, answering basic questions from a FAQ list, or searching for a specific product from the huge product range of an online seller. Customers are excited to engage with robots especially when they exhibit some sense of humor or a personality that’s similar to a real human.

When you program your chatbot well, it can respond to customers’ messages instantly using your brand’s voice.

Happy to help!

BeyondKey has been exploring the vertical of conversational AI for many years now. With our adept team of developers, we have proudly helped clients in different verticals maintain their chatbots, from answering simple questions to customizing conversation flows. If you are an enterprise looking to implement voice chatbots, our team of experts would be happy to listen to your idea and help. Reach out to us for more information.


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