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SharePoint Intranet – Digital age of collaboration platforms


What began as a document management solution over a decade ago is today one of the most sought-after collaboration tools for medium and large organizations. Retaining its position as the proverbial 800lb gorilla in the industry, Microsoft’s Sharepoint intranet continues to solve problems and help employees collaborate across organizations.

Sharepoint is a rich platform that blends with a company’s existing systems and helps people to share, collaborate and communicate. The software definitely has the credit of digitizing workplaces to a great extent and that too in a more secured and organized manner.


Today’s digital challenge

There’s an ongoing argument that digital devices have only scattered our work instead of liberating us of workplace clutter. There are several versions of charts, reports, documents that exist in the digital space as much in the same way as they did during the hard-copy era. How does Sharepoint intranet address this challenge? What’s most remarkable about Sharepoint intranet is that as a Microsoft offering, it often has zero learning curve and it easily gels with existing MS systems that still constitute a large part of office infrastructure. This gives Sharepoint an edge over other collaboration tools that need certain ways of installation or platforms or have a lot of learning curves. At the same time, Sharepoint which was created a decade ago already came with a needed sensitivity of document sharing, visibility of documents, version control, and accountability.


The many benefits of Sharepoint intranet

Development of workflows

Sharepoint intranet makes it easy to track the flow of information which makes workflows more consistent and precise. As a result, organizations can build workflows around the processes that are happening within a company while the same can be replicated. This saves both time and resources.


Efficient content management

Sharepoint, on one hand, organizes the clutter and also handles the digital clutter that happens as a result. Easy deleting and repurposing of content helps organize useful information better and updates possible within the system.


Collaboration without physical meetings
Sharepoint Intranet has, to a great extent, reduced the need for physical meetings as minor matters are easily solved on the platform while solid groundwork can be digitally laid for major challenges. Discussion boards, public and private chats, etc make it possible to have a smooth flow of communication without a lot of physical meetings.


Reduced admin costs

Sharepoint has definitely reduced the man-hours that used to be spent on doing repetitive admin tasks. For instance, a certain inventory is needed every month. Sharepoint intranet will send a notification to the management monthly or quarterly for renewal or payment.


Idea collection and innovation

Another wonderful aspect of having a Sharepoint intranet is the way ideas are shared and disseminated. Employees come from varying backgrounds and have the ability to generate unimaginable ideas that may benefit the entire organization. Since the employees are liberated from the repetitive admin tasks, they become proactive in taking initiatives and sharing ideas. These ideas can be easily preserved, approved and implemented through Sharepoint Intranet.

Sharepoint Intranet has evolved over the years as a user-friendly collaboration platform used by organizations worldwide. It is the backbone of communication at workplaces where ideas are valued and smart working is the norm. Larger organizations and enterprises especially find Sharepoint as the most basic way to communicate on a day-to-day basis.

BeyondKey is passionate about custom Sharepoint application development custom enterprise networks. Being an organization dealing in various domains, BeyondKey finds an easy ally in Sharepoint Intranet Development and hence has a vision of transforming communication for the clients. For over five years, BeyondKey has offerings related to Sharepoint workflow development, webpart development, enterprise content management, Sharepoint business intelligence, enterprise social network development among others. If you wish to test the magic of Sharepoint, feel free to get in touch with us.

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